Monday, December 13

Finally, had the chance to watch Star Search 2010 finals!!! Been busy that I do not have time to even watch the repeat telecast!! Feel that all contestants put in hard work in it. Watched it through xinmsn but it was not the full version!!! Arghhh... Should have uploaded the full version so I could better judge the contestant performances!

I only got to view the full version of the Q & A and the acting segments. I feel that base on the Q & A: Sora Ma, Peggy Lin and Adeline Lin did pretty well! For the acting segment, I feel that Jeffrey Xu, Hu Wei and Yi Lin did well!!

In any way, I feel that a competition is about luck at times. It depends on the questions you were being posed, the character you have picked to act and many other factors. Not other contestant is not good but rather lack luck and certain X-factor.

Congrats to Jeffrey Xu! He deserved the award because he has the overall package and acted well! In fact, everyone is already a winner! It's not easy getting into TOP 10. Those who got the contract from Mediacorp deserved an applause too.