Monday, June 8

- Monday -

Work as usual.
Today seems to be kinda busy.
Anyway, took 1/2 day PM leave, going
out with Huan & Sun.

Met them at Vivocity!
Had lunchie at Pizza hut.
Guess what!?
We ordered student meal.

Sun = pasta.
Huan = Pan pizza
Kenny = Baked Rice
Thus, we share. =)

Then, decided to watch Blood the last vampire.

GV do not have good seating.
Thus, headed down to the cathay to watch.
Managed to get the earliest slot and
got in right in time.
Overall, it's a nice show!
Nice & touching storyline.
Have to admit its kinda similiar to
the terminator but it's whole lot better.
Fighting scenes were pretty cool!
The main cast - Gianna Jun was pretty!

Ratings: 3.5/5

Took some recent movies posters cardboard:

Then, KFC for dinner.
Usual crapping.

Went far east to shop for clothes & shoes

Home sweet home.