Friday, June 13

- Random Entry -

Had my interview just now. Spent around 40 mins to complete the application form. It includes the usual stuff you can see. However, there's a questionare section where they ask questions about life, goals, cultures and other stuff. That's the reason why I completed it that long.

The interview session was quite alright for me. I do not feel that nervous as before. Weird yea? One reason could be whom you are talking to? If you feel comfortable, you can talk and even joke. I think I never do well for the interview.

The way his facial expression he gave when I answer his questions, I knew that I did not answer well. He kept emphasising about what teaching is about when I always thought its more of guiding. He make me feel quite stress when he said if I could handle those students. Resulting me to think if I have the ability to do that.

At another moment, I showed him my FYP -TRCC ads and one of my flash assignments, he giggled. He even mentioned that my FYP looks simple. I do not feel that happy when he said that as we put in effort in it

I think my chances were low even when he said he may give me a sms or call next week. After much thinking, I will turn down if he call since i do not have much confident teaching and handling students.

After which, went out with family and DaDa. Brought him to arcade, see doggie and dinner. Think he enjoyed himself. Mischievous but cute!