Monday, September 18

- School holidays ending-

2 days left before school reopens... As usual, There will be changing of class, peers and faci. Besides that, my previous faci said that this coming semester would be tougher.. OMG! Need to work hard in order to maintain or get better gpa. Hopefully, I get to meet nice, helpful peers and maybe unbias facis in my new class? Though I always thought that it's not easy to grade 25 students in a class. However, at times, I still complained that I should have better grades for certain lessons. LOL! It cannot be blame because no matter what I am still human and that's human nature.. wahaha.. Oh ya! UT 4 grades published, I think I did pretty well.. That's the reason why I did well for my overall grades for each module.. =p

All the BEST for my upcoming semester ba.. Hopefully, I can cope and do well and maybe lesser complains.. =x